Why tell your love story only on your wedding day? You are unique and so is your relationship - celebrate it! Whether you're newly enamored with each other or have been spending your life together for a long time, it is always the right moment to create memories that last a lifetime.
If you are newly engaged, a couple shooting can be a great opportunity to gain some confidence in front of the camera and practice for your big day. Conveniently, you can use the photos to add a personal touch to your invitation- or save-the-date cards.
For a couple shooting we will decide on the location together. I have lots of ideas for beautiful shooting locations by the sea but you are welcome to share your own suggestions, as well. If there is a certain place which is important for the two of you, such as where you've met, we can incorporate it into the photo session. Dear moments in intimate togetherness can be created almost anywhere.
We will schedule 1h for the session.

parikuvaus, raskauskuvaus, vastasyntyneen kuvaus, perhekuvaus
"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still." -Dorothea Lange